Everyone should have a network of business contacts. When I began my career, this would have been a small phone contact book I carried around. Maybe a rolodex. These days, it’s LinkedIn for me, though there are other ways to keep a network alive.
Ultimately, your network is your best chance of finding a better job, or just a job, when you are ready. That means you should have a network in place.
I suggest LinkedIn since so many people are already using the platform in the US. I accept all invitations, but you can choose to do what you want. No matter which platform you choose, separate your connections. It’s easy to do, as you get acceptances or invitations, quickly categorize people.
Then post items on LinkedIn. I tend to put my blog posts out there, sometimes adding other items. The key is interaction and touches with your network. For those in your “A” network (the closest group), make sure you reach out with email, lunch, something every few months.
Keeping a healthy network is the best way to help with job searches and ensuring you will have help finding your next position.