Tuesday, November 10, 2009


When looking to improve upon a simple resume, one of the best things that you can do is build a better network. It sounds cliche, and it is something that's out of many people's comfort zone, but networks really matter.

It's not what you know, but who you know.

I've heard that for most of my life, and it's proven true many times. Many of us get jobs, without knowing someone at the hiring company, but that's often because no one at the company has a candidate in mind already. If they did, you wouldn't get the job.

So why take the chance? Networking isn't that hard, and it should be something real that you build. Forget the image of the salesman that exchanges business cards with everyone or keeps a dossier on his contacts. Build a real network that you can use in your career.

It's possible, and it's not that hard. I'll detail some ideas in future posts on how to practically build a network.

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